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MediSYS’ EHR New Orders/Results Interface with Southeast Clinical Laboratories

April 17, 2015

Montgomery, AL – MedConnect, Inc. and Southeast Clinical Laboratories, LLC (SCL) have released a new interface to MediSYS’ EHR MedConnect v2.3 electronic health record (EHR) product suite.

Designed for real-time transmission of orders and laboratory results, the interface allows healthcare workers to significantly speed up the order process by eliminating manual paperwork. It also expedites and improves patient care through faster turnaround times for patient lab results.

Lab results can be configured to automatically route to the healthcare provider for review, integrating seamlessly into MedConnect EHR v2.3 2014 Edition, an ASP model EHR system certified by the ONC-ACB.

“MedConnect takes orders and results to a new level for EMR systems,” said Nicole Boyd, CEO of Southeast Clinical Laboratories, a newly-formed lab reference company based in Birmingham, Alabama. “They provide quick implementation, immediate response and competitive pricing. Their professional staff works hand in hand with our IT department to make a new client start-up seamless.”

Jimmy Chapman, President/CEO of MedConnect, Inc., added, “Our team could not have been more impressed with the professionalism displayed by the staff at Southeast Clinical Laboratories during the integration process. Our mutual clients will definitely benefit from this new connectivity.”

For more information, contact MediSYS at / 334-277-6201 / 205-631-5969.

About MediSYS

MediSYS has been a proven leader in healthcare billing and EHR systems and services for almost 30 years. MediSYS, made and supported in the USA, provides on-site services for a successful, complete solution. Dedicated to the thousands of providers to which it provides services and local support, MediSYS provides a long-term partnership for physicians.

MediSYS offers practice management, billing and EHR system, support and services. MediSYS’ EHR – MedConnect v2.3 2014 Edition received Complete Certification for Meaningful Use by the Drummond Group. 100% of MediSYS EHR clients participating in Meaningful Use are actively using v2.3 and many have already successfully attested to Stage 2.

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Kelly Cannon