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Tag: ePrescribing

MediSYS becomes MASA ‘Preferred Partner’

Via MASA article: MASA is pleased to announce its Preferred Partnership with MediSYS, an Alabama-based provider of medical practice management software. MediSYS has been serving and partnering with healthcare providers throughout the state of Alabama for more than 28 years. In 2005, MediSYS expanded its applications to include electronic prescribing and electronic health records (EHR). MediSYS recognizes the importance of three key elements for today’s providers as they partner with a vendor for technology…
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NEW eRX Payment Adjustment Hardship Exemptions

December 18, 2012 – On November 1, CMS issued an important update on 2013 Electronic Prescribing Payment Adjustment Hardship Exemptions pertaining to the EHR Medicare and Medicaid Incentive Program in the 2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rule. The hardship categories are as follows:  Eligible professionals who achieve meaningful use during certain eRX time frames.  For the 2013 eRX payment adjustment, this will include any eligible professional who achieved meaningful use during January 1, 2011 through…
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Certification number fixed on the CMS hardship exemptions website

CMS has fixed an issue on the CMS hardship exemption website. The web site did not permit eligible professionals to enter the complete 15 digit certification number. This has now been corrected and you can now resubmit your request and include the 15 digit certification number in the correct box.   On the same website, CMS hardship exemption, you have the ability to download Physician Quality Reporting System and E-prescribing Incentive Program feedback reports. CMS…
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