MS Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program Year 2021
June 1, 2021 is rapidly approaching. This is the last time to participate in the CMS Promoting Interoperability Program (commonly known as EHR Incentive Program/Meaningful Use). All eligible providers have only 2 months to submit all applications. The program will close on July 31, 2021. Please review the information below to help you prepare.
Open attestation begins June 1, 2021 and closes July 31, 2021.
Program Requirements:
- All eligible providers must has 30% Medicaid patient volume. 20% Medicaid patient volume for pediatricians.
- All eligible providers must have participated and received payment.
- All EPs are required to use 2015 Edition CEHRT.
- Meaningful Use Requirements for 2020 and 2021 are the same.
- All EPs must report on a 90 day minimum EHR reporting period and meet the Stage 3 Meaningful Use requirements.
- eCQM Requirements for 2020 and 2021 are the same.
- All returning EPs must report on a minimum 90 day eCQM reporting period..
- EPs are required to report on any six eCQMs related to their scope of practice.
- In addition, EPs are required to report on at least one outcome measure. If no outcome measures are relevant, EPs must report on at least one high-priority measure. If there are no outcome or high priority measures relevant to an EP’s scope of practice, they may report on any six relevant measures.
Program Required Documents:
- All Payer’s Report (Supporting Document) – this report is a 90-day reporting always starting on the 1st day of the month. It’s the total encounters (population) of the reporting period and it must shows 30% of Medicaid encounters derived from the total population. All Medicaid are accepted except for CHIP.
- Patient Volume Calculator – To complete the document the information must be retrieved from the all payer’s report (supporting document).
- EHR Vendor Contract – this document must be signed and dated by the clinic/hospital’s representative. If it is over a year old from the Program Year attesting, please include a current vendor letter, receipt, or an invoice along with the contract.
- Security Risk Assessment – this document must include a date. It should detail reporting remedies and solutions for improvement.
- Public Heath Info – this letter is any registry that the clinic/hospital is associated with, such as Department of Health Immunization Registry.
- Meaningful Use (MU) Report – this report is generated by the EHR software. Must include the individual provider’s name/NPI. It is a 90- day reporting period. Must report in year 2021.
- eCQMs Report – this report is generated by the EHR software. It is a 90-day reporting period. Must report in year 2021.
- Attestation Agreement – this is a generated by the State Level Registry (SLR). Once all data has been entered and all documents have been upload, the SLR will generate an Attestation Agreement. The provider will print, sign, date, and upload back to the SLR.
For more information on Program Year 2021 Requirements click 2020/2021 Program Requirements Medicaid | CMS
Please feel free to email your questions to or You may call ShaKarma Green, Program Coordinator, @ 601.359.6142.