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AL Medicaid State Level Registry Update

Alabama Medicaid Agency is currently going through the procurement process for a State Level Registry (SLR). That process is almost complete, however Meaningful Use attestation for 2015 will NOT be ready in June.

For more information regarding AL Medicaid Meaningful Use, contact: or 334-353-3402.

REMINDER: 2016 is the LAST YEAR TO BEGIN for Medicaid Incentives! NOTE: There is no Medicaid penalty, however if you see Medicare patients you will be subject to a Medicare penalty unless you attest to Meaningful Use!

If you have at least a 30% Medicaid patient volume (20% for Pediatricians) you may qualify to receive a Medicaid incentive amount!

Total possible incentive is up to $63,750 over 6 years. The first year you may earn up to $21,250 if you Adopt/Implement/Upgrade or attest to Meaningful Use.