ATTENTION: Eligible Medicare Clinicians Participating in MIPS
REMINDER: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CMS extended the 2019 MIPS data submission deadline to 8:00 PM EDT on April 30, 2020. You can submit data via the QPP website at
Additionally, eligible clinicians who have not submitted any MIPS data by April 30, 2020 will qualify for the automatic extreme and uncontrollable circumstances policy and will receive a neutral payment adjustment for the 2021 MIPS payment year.
For 2020 MIPS, CMS is currently evaluating options for providing relief around participation and data submission. Look for more information from CMS in the coming months.
For assistance with the data submission system, contact Quality Payment Program at or 866-288-8292 or visit the QPP website at
For information on the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability deadline extension please visit: