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Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Registration Opens Next Week

If you are an eligible provider with 30% Medicaid patient volume, you could receive a Medicaid EHR Incentive check for $21,250 as soon as this year.  Alabama Medicaid’s goal is to issue separate checks approximately 30 days after approved attestation which can begin April 1.

  • April 1 Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Registration Opens
  • First Year (as soon as 2011):
    • $21,250 possible incentive amount per provider
    • Medicaid Does Not Require ‘Meaningful Use’  First Year
  • Incentive Checks expected approximately 30 Days after attesting
  • Pediatricians may be eligible with 20% Medicaid patient volume for 2/3 incentive payment amount.

Unlike the Medicare EHR Incentive program, Medicaid does not require ‘Meaningful Use’ in the first year.  Instead, Medicaid’s first-year-focus is on eligible providers to either: Adopt, Implement, or Upgrade certified technology.  Medicaid has provided a one page document that defines this and other aspects of this program. Also, additional information is available at:

Please feel free to contact us for assistance in determining initial Medicaid patient volumes or to explore adopting (acquire, purchase or secure access) certified MediSYS Electronic Health Record technology.  


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