Web portal now OPEN to accept hardship exemption requests for 2014 e-prescribing penalty
The Quality Reporting Communications Support Page is now open to accept hardship exemption requests to avoid the 2014 2% eRx penalty. This page will be accessible through June 30, 3013 in order for providers to submit hardship exemption requests. If you submitted a hardship exemption request last year, you must also do so again this year as they must be submitted annually.
To learn more about the ePrescribing Incentive Program and how you can avoid upcoming penalties please visit our website at 2013 eRX Incentive Program.
For more information please visit CMS eRx Payment Adjustment Information. To view the current document on the 2013 eRX Incentive Program and the 2014 Payment Adjustment click on the document titled “2013 eRx Incentive Program: 2014 Payment Adjustment” in the “Downloads” section of the CMS webpage.