The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is now releasing payments for the 2009 ePrescribing incentives. Distribution of these payments is expected to be completed by October 22, 2010. Payments are being made in a lump-sum to the Tax ID number in which the claims were submitted. This payment remittance advice will read “This is an eRX incentive payment” and it will include an LE indicator to indicate that it is an incentive payment. In addition, a four digit code of RX09 will indicate the type of incentive (ePrescribe) on the electronic remittance advise.
The 2009 eRX feedback reports will not be available until sometime in mid-November. These feedback reports will be available at
During the distribution timeframe, CMS has instructed the practices to direct questions to their Provider Contact Center. A directory of Provider Contact Centers may be found on the CMS website.
For questions regarding PQRI or eRX measure-specific questions, call The QualityNet Help Desk at 1-866-288-8912.