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CMS Announced Changes to 2011 eRX Incentive Program

August 31, 2011…. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today they are finalizing  the following changes to the 2011 eRX Incentive Program to address concerns related to hardship codes and  EHR  incentive programs.

1.  Provide four additional hardship exemption categories for purposes of the 2012 payment  adjustment.  The eligible professional must demonstrate if one of the following applies:

      • EP registered to participate in Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive programs & adopt  certified EHR technology
      • Inability to electronically prescribe due to local, state or federal regulations/law
      • Limited ePrescribing activity, or
      • Insufficient opportunities to report the eRX measure due to limitations of the measure’s denominator

2.  Extend the deadline for hardship exemption request to November 1, 2011 for the two original hardship codes  (G8642/ G8643) and the additional significant hardship exemption categories above.

3.  Require submission of significant hardship exemption requests via web-based tool for individual EP (via letter for group reporting).  To request an exemption go to:

Final Rule:

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