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Deadline Extended for 2016 MEDICAID MU Attestations

ATTENTIONDeadline Extended for Accepting Program Year 2016 MEDICAID MU Attestations for Eligible Medicaid Professionals and Eligible Hospitals

Medicaid Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Payment Program Update:

AL Medicaid has extended the deadline for submitting your PY 2016 AIU or MU attestation to June 30th, 2017. In order to be considered for an incentive payment, your 2016 AIU or MU application must be completely submitted via the Alabama State Level Registry (SLR) before 12:00 midnight CST on Friday, June 30th, 2017. The link to access Alabama’s State Level Registry is

For assistance or questions, please contact Gary Parker, Director, Meaningful Use administration at (334) 242-5011 or  Janice Miles, Associate Director, Meaningful Use Administration, at (334) 353-3402 or at