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Mid-Week MACRA Minute – It’s Easy to Avoid the MIPS Medicare Penalty

Helping you put the MIPS pieces together each week!

2017 is the “transition” year for MIPS, which means it is easier to avoid the 4% penalty and earn a possible incentive!

To avoid the 4% penalty on Medicare Part B claims in 2019, you only need to submit a small amount of data. This first year of MIPS is very scaled down from the past years of Meaningful Use and PQRS participation. Report at least one of these examples below to avoid the 4% penalty:

  • Report at least one Quality Measure – this can also be done through claims based reporting which would not require an EHR
  • Report at least one Improvement Activity – if you review the list, you will probably find you are already doing several of these and some do not require an EHR
  • Report at least one Advancing Care Information Measure – using the “transition” measure set, these measures are much easier to accomplish

It’s also important to remember, the penalty will increase each year; 5%, 7%, 9% and so forth. Avoiding the penalty by reporting the 2017 minimum requirements is easy to accomplish with minimal effort and does NOT require a certified EHR. However, MediSYS does recommend you participate in as much as possible because not only is it easier to avoid the penalty, but this year it is easier to gain an incentive! The more you participate in, the greater your chances are of earning an incentive!

MIPS participation is also much easier this year if you report as a GROUP under the group’s TIN.

  • Improvement Activities – If one EC within the group is participating in ONE improvement activity for a continuous 90 days, then the group can report on this activity to avoid the penalty.
  • Quality and ACI Measures – If one EC reports data on a measure, then the data is amassed across all ECs under the group’s TIN.


For more details visit the Quality Payment Program website at or visit our website at