11/3/2011 – MediSYS is pleased to announce the release of the Alabama State Immunization Information Systems (AL-IIS) Interface. The interface enables clinics to submit recorded immunizations to the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) real-time upon completion. Clinics can also retrieve immunizations on file with AL-IIS which are displayed in the patient’s chart with the Immunization chart tab. This bi-directional interface provides real-time access to ADPH from within MediSYS Electronic Health Records (EHR). From a patient’s chart within MediSYS EHR, clinics can now submit immunizations to ADPH as a by-product of ordering and recording an immunization. The AL-IIS receives immunization information from claims submitted to Blue Cross and Medicaid, as well as provider entries into ImmPRINT and electronic health records.
The compilation of this immunization data allows clinics to view and print the patient’s State of Alabama Certificate of Immunization (Blue Slip) directly from MediSYS EHR. This comprehensive Blue Slip includes immunizations from the state registry and those in the MediSYS EHR patient chart. The ability to print the comprehensive ADPH Blue Slip is tremendously beneficial to pediatric and primary care groups since a blue slip is required for entry into day care, Head Start, and public or private schools.
Real-time access to state immunization records from MediSYS EHR eliminates the need for clinics to call ADPH or login to a separate website which saves time and streamlines patient care. This interoperability with a public health agency also satisfies a key measure for providers in obtaining ‘meaningful use’ of electronic health records.
The ADPH interface is a valuable addition to the many MediSYS interoperability partners which also includes external lab companies, 18+ Alabama hospitals, SureScripts, and more.
About MediSYS
MediSYS has been serving and partnering with healthcare providers throughout the state of Alabama providing practice management software. In 2005, MediSYS expanded its applications to include electronic prescribing and electronic health records (EHR).
MediSYS continues to lead the way in clinical technology across Alabama, adding new enhancements, vendor partnerships, products and services. Offering dependable, local service with the ability to quickly meet and exceed industry changes has been a strong factor in their presence in the Alabama healthcare market.
Celebrating over 25 years in business, MediSYS serves over 1,000 Alabama providers providing electronic health records, practice management systems and medical billing.
MediSYS EHR v1.0 has received the federal government’s “meaningful use” stamp of approval by earning Complete EHR certification. MediSYS EHR is also a CCHIT Certified health information technology provider, using a secure and affordable web-based platform.
Media Contact: Kelly Cannon 205-631-5969