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2016 PQRS GPRO Registration is Now Open

The majority of MediSYS clients participate in individual PQRS with MediSYS EHR ‘no charge’ Data Submission  which does not require registration.

However, if you do participate in the Group Reporting Option (GPRO) for PQRS, registration is now open to participate in the 2016 PQRS GPRO via the Physician Value – Physician Quality Reporting Registration System. This option is available to GROUPS with 2 or more EPs and groups must meet the satisfactory reporting criteria through the PQRS GPRO in order to avoid the -2% payment adjustment imposed during the 2018 calendar year.

To register visit the CMS PQRS GPRO Registration page:

For more information visit the CMS PQRS Payment Adjustment page: